Institute of Engineering (research institution)
Information on the Institute of Engineering's research organization.
Message from the Dean

The Institute of Symbiotic Science and Technology—the predecessor organization to the Institute of Engineering at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology—was established in 2004 when TUAT became an independent administrative institution. It was reorganized as the Institute of Engineering in 2010. Since that time, we have promoted creative research based on free thinking while bearing in mind scientific progress and societal needs, concentrating on education and research in engineering and other scholarly fields that incorporate engineering.
The mission of the Institute of Engineering is "to create new knowledge that will change the world". In order to create new knowledge that will change the world, unconventional research by researchers with originality is important. By supporting these researchers, the Institute of Engineering prioritizes the construction of systems that enable outstanding research. Traditionally, we have strong ties with industry and are actively conducting joint research with companies. We aim to contribute to society by implementing new discoveries and new technologies born from university research.
To fulfill the above mission, the Institute of Engineering would like to introduce a system that not only supports the improvement of individual fields but also supports interdisciplinary research including other fields. Respecting diversity is the best way to comprehensively understand and find solutions to the problems that are occurring in modern society. We need to respect the diversity of research as well as the commonly discussed diversity of gender, race, nationality, etc. We would like to collaborate with researchers in a wide range of fields to open up new fields and show solutions to various social problems.
Nobuhumi Nakamura, Dean of the Institute of Engineering
Institute of Engineering Divisions and Centers
Division of Biotechnology and Life Science
Information on the Division of Biotechnology and Life Science.
Division of Applied Chemistry
Information on the Division of Division of Applied Chemistry.
Division of Advanced Mechanical Systems Engineering
Information on the Division of Advanced Mechanical Systems Engineering.
Division of Advanced Applied Physics
Information on the Division of Advanced Applied Physics.
Division of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Information on the Division of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Division of Advanced Information Technology and Computer Science
Information on the Division of Advanced Information Technology and Computer Science.
Division of Mathematical Sciences
Information on the Division of Mathematical Sciences.
Institute of Engineering Certified Research Centers
Information on Institute of Engineering certified research centers.