疎水性磁性ナノ粒子を用いたワンポット液相ペプチド合成 Hydrophobic Magnetic Nanoparticle Assisted One-Pot Liquid-Phase Peptide Synthesis
European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2017)

概要 Abstract
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Chemically stable hydrophobic magnetic nanoparticles were prepared by using an isocyanate as an anchoring group and were applied to the soluble tag-assisted liquid-phase peptide synthesis of the peptide elastin. Couplings and deprotections were effectively performed in the presence of the nanoparticles, and the desired product was rapidly collected as a “magnetic” precipitate, enabling a one-pot procedure. Sonication of the nanoparticles significantly suppressed gelation of the reaction mixture, which allowed the highly aggregating elastin peptide to be synthesized in one pot without difficulty.
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