国際研究集会のお知らせ(太平洋地域に出現したタイワンカブトムシ新規バイオタイプの現状と対策)(Status and control strategy of a novel biotype of Oryctes rhinoceros that has emerged in the Pacific Ocean and is resistant to a nudivirus)
- 日時 10月2日(月)午後1時30分から5時
- 場所 bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@府中キャンパス 2号館1階多目的室
- 使用言語 bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@英語で発表しますが一部日本語で解説します
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タイワンカブトムシ (別名サイカブトムシ:Oryctes rhinoceros)は、動物のサイのような形の角を持つ熱帯性のカブトムシです。タイワンカブトムシに食害されたヤシは新芽が展開せず、被害が甚大になるとヤシを枯死させてしまいます。本種は、1908年にアジアから太平洋州に侵入し、その後急速に分布が拡大しましたが、天敵ウイルスであるOryctes rhinoceros nudivirus (OrNV)を用いた生物的防除が成功をおさめ30年以上の間太平洋州では被害がなくなりました。しかし、2007年以降になると今度は、OrNVに抵抗性のバイオタイプ(新しい特性をもった系統)が出現しました。この新しいバイオタイプは、被害の甚大なグアム(アメリカ合衆国)の頭文字をとってバイオタイプGと名付けられ、現在もその分布が拡大しています。バイオタイプGが侵入した太平洋州諸国は、ヤシ類の被害が深刻になり大きな問題になっています。
The coconut rhinoceros beetle (CRB), Oryctes rhinoceros is a major pest of coconut palm, oil palm and other palm species. Palms are damaged when adult beetles bore into the crowns of palms to feed on sap, with severe damage able to kill palms. CRB is believed to have evolved in South East Asia, but was accidentally introduced into Samoa in 1908, where it subsequently spread to other the Pacific Islands and caused widespread damage and death to palms. Arising from an UNDP/SPC CRB control project in the 1960s, the discovery of Oryctes rhinoceros nudivirus (OrNV) coupled with sanitation enabled the successful management of populations in Pacific Island Countries. For over 30 years, no new outbreaks of CRB were reported from uninfested palm growing islands in the Pacific; however, CRB has now been detected for the first time in several Pacific Island locations including: Guam (2007); Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (2009); Oahu, Hawaii (2013); and Honiara, Solomon Islands (2015). A new CRB biotype (CRB- G) was shown to have invaded these areas and results from Guam indicate CRB-G is more resistant to OrNV than the previously invading CRB. In 2017 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology received a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and have initiated an international collaboration to elucidate factors associated with the resistance of the CRB-G biotype to OrNV. From this symposium a research consortium will be established that involves expert entomologists and insect pathologists from Germany, Guam, Japan, and New Zealand, and Palau to assist with work on this project.
1. Opening Remarks
Madoka Nakai, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
A virus-tolerant haplotype of the coconut rhinoceros beetle invades the Pacific region
Sean Marshall and Trevor Jackson, Ag Research, New Zealand
Challenges to the eradication of CRB on Guam
Roland Quitugua, Extension Biosecurity, University of Guam, USA
CRB-G with Nudi-virus detection and comparative analysis to coconut tree damage at multiple sites in Palau
Christopher Kitalong, Justin Omak Ramarui, David Mason Ramarui, Joel Miles, Pacific Academic Institute for Research/Palau Community College, Palau
Developing bioassays and damage assessment techniques for assessing virus effect on CRB
Trevor Jackson and Sean Marshall, Ag Research, New Zealand
6. Phylogeny and evolution of Oryctes rhinoceros nudiviruses and other large dsDNA invertebrate viruses
Johannes A. Jehle, Institute for Biological Control, JKI, Darmstadt, Germany
7. Closing Remarks
Shinichiro Asano, Hokkaido University, Japan
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